The Transportation Division provides technical and organizational support for the Society’s various activities related to the area of transportation engineering. The Division is dedicated to promoting the technical excellence and academic merits pertaining to the planning, design, management, and operation of transportation infrastructures and systems within the Canadian context. The Division has made significant contributions to various CSCE programs and technical activities over the years, such as organizing the bi-annual Transportation Specialty Conferences, developing short training courses and national touring lectures, representing CSCE at the TAC Chief Engineers’ Council, and preparing special issues for the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering and the Canadian Civil Engineer magazine.
Our members serve at various levels of government agencies, research institutes, universities, and engineering firms.
The members of the Transportation Division actively conduct a wide spectrum of engineering and research activities, nationally and internationally, in fields such as
- Smart mobility
- Active transportation modes
- Connected vehicles
- Road safety
- Winter road maintenance
- Activity-based transportation planning
- Pavement design and management
- Emissions modeling and energy efficiency
- Airport engineering and planning
and many others.
The members of the Transportation Division strive for excellence in the planning, design, operation, maintenance, and management of our transportation systems on a daily basis, aiming to make them safe, efficient, and sustainable.
Executive Council of CSCE Transportation Division
CHAIR: Alex de Barros, University of Calgary
VICE-CHAIR: Kelly (Yi) Tang, McGill University
SECRETARY: Alaa Torkey, Western University
Members at Large
Michel Khouday (Past Chair), SAJO
Mohamed Zaki Hussein, Western University
Trevor Hanson, University of New Brunswick; President, Canadian Transportation Research Forum
Past Chairs
Gordon Lovegrove, The University of British Columbia
Ming Zhong, University of Regina
Liping Fu, University of Waterloo
Said Easa, Toronto Metropolitan University