Career Development Committee (CDC)
(Engineering Practice)
The CDC has a threefold mandate:
- monitoring of the state-of-the civil engineering profession,
- promotion of the profession by the development and dissemination of public information, and
- development of CSCE policies and guidelines pertaining to continuing education and professional development.
The CDC also carries out planning, review and endorsement of continuing education and professional development programs. Committee members identify potential professional development technical courses that could be offered through the National Office.
The CDC worked on publication of the summer 2012 issue of Canadian Civil Engineer, Volume 29.3 on the theme: Practical Professional Development for Practising Engineers, Guest editor – Bhuwan Devkota, CDC Chair.
The following three articles were published in the summer 2012 issue of CIVIL Canadian Civil Engineer, Volume 29.3:
Burrrell, B. and Devkota, B. Professional development for practising engineers
Lis, D. and Veenstra, T. Engineering leadership and emotional intelligence
Admas, E. Guidelines for professional development across Canada
Ongoing activities 2012-2013
The CDC is assisting with the organization of the 2nd CSCE Forum on Professional Practice and Career Development as part of CSCE 126th Annual General Conference to be held in Montreal in May/June 2013, where issues concerning the profession are to be discussed.
Dr. Patrick Hettiaratchi, is representing CDC as a co-chair in organizing committee of the 2nd CSCE Forum on Professional Practice and Career Development.
The CDC will be working with the International Affairs Committee (IAC) on publication of a 2013 issue of Canadian Civil Engineer on the theme: Challenges to Canadian Engineering: Global Trends in Professional Development.
Also, the CDC will be working with the International Affairs Committee on Task Force on Globalization. The Task Force is to consider what activities can be carried out to improve the competiveness of Canadian Civil Engineers, disseminate information on international mobility agreements, and explore means to help Canadian civil engineers acquire international work experience.
Task Force on Globalization will be working on following areas:
- preparation of a discussion paper for submission to CSCE committees on what activities can be done to improve the competiveness of Canadian Civil Engineers,
- development for CSCE members of a backgrounder fact sheet or web-based content on international mobility agreements,
- contributing one or two papers to the CSCE Annual Conferences, or to the proposed future Forum on Engineering Practice and Career Development,
- working on a future issue (2013) of CIVIL Canadian Civil Engineer on the theme “Global Trends in Engineering Professional Development”, and
- exploring means to help Canadian Civil Engineers to acquire international work experience.
Efforts are being made to appoint more members into the committee to increase the capability of the CDC to undertake ongoing projects and new initiatives. The CDC invites interested CSCE members to serve as a member of the CDC. Please contact CDC chair at:
Bhuwan Devkota | bhuwan.devkota@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca |
Andy Yuen | Andy.Yuen@aecom.com |
Huixi Xie | huixi.xie@amec.com |
Dr. Patrick Hettiaratchi | jhettiar@ucalgary.ca |